• Improve physical and emotional health through education and direct assistance.

  • Increase access to services through translation support.

  • Connect and refer to community programs and services.

  • Reduce isolation and provide opportunities for socialization.

  • Affirm and support cultural norms while individuals adapt to their new environment.

  • ​Advocate for and educate regarding the needs of our community

Hamida Obeid

The AEA is dedicated to supporting the Afghan community through education, advocacy, and linkages to ​government and community services.  Our 501(c)(3) Non-Profit organization works to improve the wellbeing of Afghan Elders and newly arrived Refugees by providing culturally appropriate, preventative health programs and connecting them to community resources.  Our strength derives from our participants and making positive changes in the lives of those we serve.


Executive Director

We work hard to improve the lives of our clients.


My philosophy is that with consistent hard work and dedication, we can achieve our goals and make a meaningful contribution to this organization and the community.  We want to make sure all of our community members have the support and help they need and deserve, while honoring our customs and culture.


The AEA started in 1995 by founder, Najia Hamid, with a goal to help elderly, Afghan women feel supported and reduce isolation.  What started as a group of 7 women has grown to an organization serving over 400 women and men of all ages.  Programming has evolved to include care management, education through presentations, nutritional offerings, social outings, advocacy work, and refugee support.  Funding is received through a combination of grants from Alameda County, City of Fremont, and community partners, along with individual donors, sponsorships and fundraising.